2013 Archive

Women’s Equality Day Celebration

Celebrate the day when  women got the right to vote (August 26, 1920).
Bring attention to the fact that our Constitution does not specifically guarantee women the same rights as men. Call for action to include the Equal Rights Amendment in our US Constitution.
When: Sunday, August 25, 2013
Time: 1 to 3 PM
Place: Tiguex Park in Old Town, Albuquerque
Sponsored by Feminist Caucus of the Humanist Society of NM
WED Rally Flyer 

Winter 2013 ERA Update

by Feminist Caucus HSNM Chair, Sylvia M. Ramos, M.D. email

Although women achieved the right to vote in 1920, we have not yet achieved equality of justice under the law because the Equal Rights Amendment, proposed 90 years ago, has not yet become part of our Constitution. These 32 words, “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex,” when chiseled into our national governing document will go a long way toward ensuring that women in this country do not have to fight constantly against the frequent fires of inequity and injustice.

Our Feminist Caucus has been engaged in several activities at the local and national level working with various groups including United4Eequality and Santa Fe NOW.

We are asking our United States Congress to do away with the deadline for ratification of the ERA so that we can move forward to get it ratified in at least three of the 15 states that have not yet done so. Since a new Congress begins in 2013, these resolutions (previously H.J. Res. 47 and S.J. Res 39) in the House and the Senate will need to be re-introduced. We are confident that they will be and that previous supporters in Congress will sign on again.

Here in NM we are proud of our strategic successes, yet recognize that we have far to go.

  • We obtained support for the ERA bills from Senator Martin Heinrich and Representative Michelle Lujan Grisham and will work to get the rest of our congressional delegation in DC to join them.
  • New state Senator, Jacob Candelaria, agreed to introduce our ERA Memorial, which asks our congressional delegation in DC to add its support for this ratification strategy, into the legislative session that begins 1/15/13 (need a Link to the memorial).
  • In September, the Albuquerque Journal published our Letter to the Editor about the ERA.
  • In December Zelda Gatuskin, President of the HSNM, obtained an endorsement for the 3 state strategy from Bill Baird, a hero of the equal rights struggle. Bill Baird, My Hero and My Friend.

Please Take Action now. Just a few minutes of your time today will bear great fruit for all of us now and into posterity.

Mil gracias.
Sylvia M. Ramos, M.D. FeministCaucusChair@humanistsocietyofnm.org
505 401-0601

By Sylvia M. Ramos, M.D
Chair, Feminist Caucus

Winter 2013 ERA Action Update



Although women achieved the right to vote in 1920, we have not yet achieved equality of justice under the law because the Equal Rights Amendment, proposed 90 years ago, has not yet become part of our Constitution. Until it is, women in this country will have to fight constantly against the forces of inequity and injustice that threaten to take away our basic human rights.

Our Feminist Caucus has been engaged in several activities at the local and national level working with various groups including United4Eequality, Santa Fe chapter of NOW, Progressive Women of Albuquerque and the Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice . We continue building networks with other national and local organizations that support women’s rights and equal justice for all.

Our ERA Memorial (SM7 and HM7) asking our congressional delegation in DC to add its support for the 3 State ratification strategy was introduced by N M State Senator Jacob Candelaria and NM State Representative Gail Chasey in the 2013 legislative session. It passed the full House but, unfortunately, died in the Senate Judiciary Committee. We plan to reintroduce it again next year. The attention it received in the various legislative committees and during our January rally at the Roundhouse brought the need to have women’s rights guaranteed back into focus.

We thank Senator Candelaria and Representative Chasey for being our NM ERA champions.

Take Action – 

It’s quick and easy – Use the links on our ERA Action Network page

  • Sign and ask everyone you know to sign the ERA petition on the White House site
  • Call/write/e-mail our United States Congress members *Senator Tom Udall * Representative Ben Ray Lujan * Representative Steve Pearce and urge them to pass resolutions in the House and Senate to do away with the deadline for ratification of the ERA. We can then move forward to get it ratified by at least three of the 15 states that have not yet done so. These resolutions were just reintroduced by Senators Ben Cardin (MD) and Mark Kirk (IL) and Representative Rob Andrews (NJ). They are Senate Joint Resolution 15 (SJRes 15) and House Joint Resolution 43 (HJRes 43).

We thank Senator Martin Heinrich and Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham who heard our voices and signed on as original co-sponsors of the resolutions.

  • Volunteer to help with our Women’s Equality Day Rally that will take place on Sunday, August 25 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at Tiguex Park. It will be a celebration of women’s rights and a call for the ERA to become part of our Constitution. “Many hands make light work.”
  • Come to the Rally and bring your family and friends. The park is across from the Museum of Art and History, the Museum of Natural History and the Explora Children’s Museum. Come listen to our speakers, meet your neighbors and learn how you can help make equal rights a reality for all. Then, visit the museums, restaurants and shops and enjoy the cultural life of Old Town.
  • Find out more and spread the word about the ERA: ERA Quick Facts. Speak with your family and friends who live in other states and ask them to urge their members of Congress to become co-sponsors of the resolution: Contacting Congress.

Mil gracias. ¡Adenlante!
Sylvia M. Ramos, M.D.